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  1. Me sobra un imac de 27' comprado hace 6 meses y mucho menos de uso…€1100 negociable img.ly/ry1K
  2. I got to talk about Augmented Reality at BorderlessEng. The talk included some developer tips and an overview of how the Apple AR platform has changed, but the best part was the section on making Augmented Reality Applications Accessible 🧵1/24 #Accessibility #AR
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  3. The paper about RoomPlan is fascinating to read. The result may seem simple, but it is the output of carefully designed and optimized steps that open the door for improved semantic understanding of physical contexts. machinelearning.apple.com/research/roomplan #AR #XR #Roomplan #a11y #accessibility
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  4. Venom es Spider-Man con otro css
  5. Happy to assist to the cmduconf (💛 CocoaHeadsNL) Waiting for jdortiz talk 💪🏽
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  6. “In an interactive artwork, the object of the art is really the interaction between the viewer and the system that the artist has created.”
  7. Alguien vende un MacBook ? Un AIR idealmente ?
  8. A Clockwork Orange - Break-in Scene (Warning: Graphic): youtu.be/faML0QvVb2A via YouTube
  9. The Big Bang Theory - Intro (frame by frame) haraldkraft.de/thebigbangtheory/
  10. …in reply to @elkraneo
    Over and over, Combine Schedulers has served its purpose. Now I'm ready for the next iteration based on Clock. Thanks pointfreeco for a great episode and effort helping to shape one of the most important APIs we can have 🙏
  11. Remember this the next time you’re worried about the ✈️ wings bending MachinePix/679329853146050560
  12. The coding love, a Tumblr for the dev team thecodinglove.com #thecodinglove
  13. A Programmer's Life: Simple modifications aprogrammerslife.info/2013/01/15/simple-modifications/ #APL via ProgrammersLife
  14. 65% of today’s grade-school children will end up at jobs that haven’t been invented yet. fastcoexist.com/1680348/mapping-the-future-of-education-technology
  15. …in reply to @elkraneo
  16. …in reply to @undefined
    oniropolis Ant Attack (1983)
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  17. Progressively enhanced web development training…😮 codebabes.com/
  18. Really interesting paper on creating a foundation for Accessible AR 🦾 #accessibility #AugmentedReality machinelearning.apple.com/research/making-smartphone-augmented-reality-apps-accessible
  19. And just like that history of concurrency becomes deeply interesting (and THE way to improve new APIs adoption). 💕 pointfreeco/1542914944261394434
  20. On my way to get married 👩🏻‍💻👨🏻‍💻😮
  21. ok is official. Now, where do I pick up my dad beard ?
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  22. .designforhuman really nice presentation at #framerMunich kudos! 👏🏼🙂
  23. I pre-ordered Flight School Guide to Swift Codable from flightdotschool on gumroad: gum.co/codable