elkraneo’s avatarelkraneo’s Twitter Archive

4,450 tweets

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  1. Most people don't know about the accessibility features on their phones, and some may not think of themselves as having a disability, discarding features that could still help them 🧵 #A11y #Accessibility
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  2. “The project will kick off in July and run until June 2025, with the team aiming to develop an ‘SVR Inclusion Framework,’ which will include a collection of tools and guidance for making the metaverse more accessible to older and disabled users.” LeirielVR/1579502264774893568
  3. The paper about RoomPlan is fascinating to read. The result may seem simple, but it is the output of carefully designed and optimized steps that open the door for improved semantic understanding of physical contexts. machinelearning.apple.com/research/roomplan #AR #XR #Roomplan #a11y #accessibility
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  4. I got to talk about Augmented Reality at BorderlessEng. The talk included some developer tips and an overview of how the Apple AR platform has changed, but the best part was the section on making Augmented Reality Applications Accessible 🧵1/24 #Accessibility #AR
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  5. Really interesting paper on creating a foundation for Accessible AR 🦾 #accessibility #AugmentedReality machinelearning.apple.com/research/making-smartphone-augmented-reality-apps-accessible
  6. And just like that history of concurrency becomes deeply interesting (and THE way to improve new APIs adoption). 💕 pointfreeco/1542914944261394434
  7. Monstera deliciosa Berghain party in the eighties #dallemini
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  8. I am attesting that this twitter handle elkraneo is linked to the Tezos account tz1Zf19sCj8aGc7LvHRDykW8yohekzismGTi for tzProfiles sig:edsigu4fCaoVq1vkTthqqChD9vKjNCdpu1GjG2YDThTu5GgRuW9YWhPPXZxttvrqh7T6WBHem7LFDSviEwVqynEQNxf9WFmdhkZ
  9. ser humorista en estos días es una tarea imposible 🤦 sebastianpinera/1325142760886824961
  10. I just subscribed to What to Watch, a curated newsletter by agoodmovietowatch.com movies.substack.com/?utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=pss
  11. Bb. .,,;;,4
  12. “We Are At War” - by Erik Thurman «Scenes from the ground in Chile, where the people are trying to remove the makings of a new dictatorship.» thenib.com/we-are-at-war
  13. What is Existentialism? - Existential Comics existentialcomics.com/comic/295


  1. Me sobra un imac de 27' comprado hace 6 meses y mucho menos de uso…€1100 negociable img.ly/ry1K
  2. I got to talk about Augmented Reality at BorderlessEng. The talk included some developer tips and an overview of how the Apple AR platform has changed, but the best part was the section on making Augmented Reality Applications Accessible 🧵1/24 #Accessibility #AR
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  3. The paper about RoomPlan is fascinating to read. The result may seem simple, but it is the output of carefully designed and optimized steps that open the door for improved semantic understanding of physical contexts. machinelearning.apple.com/research/roomplan #AR #XR #Roomplan #a11y #accessibility
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  4. Venom es Spider-Man con otro css
  5. Happy to assist to the cmduconf (💛 CocoaHeadsNL) Waiting for jdortiz talk 💪🏽
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API

I’ve retweeted other tweets 1,049 times (23.6%)

Most Retweeted

  1. alejodorowsky 32 retweets
  2. UberFacts 26 retweets
  3. openculture 12 retweets
  4. IAB_Spain 12 retweets
  5. FactHive 11 retweets
  6. brainpicker 10 retweets
  7. PeKeNiNHa2 10 retweets
  8. golan 10 retweets
  9. maxrudberg 7 retweets
  10. mort 7 retweets

Most Retweeted (Last 12 months)

  1. artcom 1 retweet
  2. pointfreeco 1 retweet
  3. sebsilbermann 1 retweet
  4. warpling 1 retweet
  5. RobRWAPP 1 retweet
  6. dadabots 1 retweet
  7. patriciogv 1 retweet
  8. dadederk 1 retweet
  9. ABaillyLloyd 1 retweet
  10. cabel 1 retweet

Replies and Mentions

13.5% of my tweets are replies (×599)

Most Replies To

  1. MilkaCova 27 replies
  2. babs_77 24 replies
  3. Ladicash 20 replies
  4. acalvin100 19 replies
  5. metsuke 13 replies

Most Replies To (Last 12 months)

  1. N1C0_MUC 2 replies
  2. pointfreeco 2 replies
  3. ChristianSelig 1 reply
  4. marius_const 1 reply
  5. AtarayoSD 1 reply

I’ve sent someone a mention 45 times (1.0%)

17.9% of the links I’ve posted are using the https: protocol (293 of 1,641)

100.0% of the links I’ve posted in the last 12 months are using the https: protocol (17 of 17)

Top Domains

  1. vimeo.com 196 tweets
  2. youtu.be 144 tweets
  3. 4sq.com 65 tweets
  4. bit.ly 62 tweets
  5. itun.es 47 tweets
  6. youtube.com 38 tweets
  7. twitter.com 34 tweets
  8. path.com 29 tweets
  9. wikipedia.org 26 tweets
  10. instagram.com 26 tweets

Top Hosts

  1. vimeo.com 196 tweets
  2. youtu.be 144 tweets
  3. 4sq.com 65 tweets
  4. bit.ly 62 tweets
  5. itun.es 47 tweets
  6. www.youtube.com 36 tweets
  7. twitter.com 33 tweets
  8. path.com 29 tweets
  9. instagram.com 24 tweets
  10. goo.gl 20 tweets

My tweets have been given about ♻️ 258 retweets and ❤️ 403 likes

Top 5 Emoji Used in Tweets

  1. 🧵 used 24 times on 24 tweets
  2. 🎶 used 6 times on 5 tweets
  3. 🤔 used 5 times on 5 tweets
  4. 🙃 used 5 times on 5 tweets
  5. 🙂 used 4 times on 4 tweets

99 unique emoji on 128 tweets (3.8% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Hashtags

  1. programacioncreativa used 52 times
  2. itunes used 18 times
  3. tiltshiftgen used 10 times
  4. vimeo: used 8 times
  5. ciceinteractivo used 8 times

407 hashtags on 407 tweets (12.0% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Swear Words

  1. p_rn used 2 times
  2. h_ll used 2 times
  3. d_ck used 2 times
  4. k_ke used 2 times
  5. d_mn used 2 times

18 swear words on 18 tweets (0.5% of all tweets***)

***: does not include retweets